RAD Studio VCL Reference
TToolBar Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Aligns any child controls of the toolbar within a specified area of the control. 
Indicates whether the toolbar can resize itself automatically to accommodate its contents. 
Called when the menu associated with a toolbar button is canceled. 
Repositions and resizes the toolbar by a specified ratio. 
Displays a toolbar button's drop-down menu. 
Simulates the clicking of a toolbar button. 
Initializes a window-creation parameter record passed in the Params parameter. 
Creates the window that implements the toolbar. 
Generates OnCustomDraw and OnAdvancedCustomDraw events. 
Generates an OnCustomizeCanDelete event. 
Generates an OnCustomizeCanInsert event. 
Returns the toolbar button with the specified accelerator. 
Allows the streaming system to load and save child controls in the order they appear in the toolbar. 
Use this method for drawing toolbuttons when gdoGradient and dsGradient are both set. 
Use this method for drawing the toolbar when gdoGradient and dsGradient are both set. 
Called when the menu associated with a drop-down toolbar button is about to be displayed. 
Indicates whether an event handler exists to respond at a particular stage in the paint process. 
Initializes the component after the form file has been read into memory. 
Responds to a notification that a component has been added or is about to be deleted. 
Updates the position of a specified button in the toolbar. 
Updates the positions of all buttons in the toolbar from a specified button on. 
Respond to control resize. 
This is SetAutoSize, a member of class TToolBar. 
Provides specific message responses for the toolbar. 
Rearranges the toolbar's buttons so they fit in the toolbar. 
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