RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCheckListBox Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
This is ClickCheck, a member of class TCheckListBox. 
Initializes the window-creation parameter record passed in the Params parameter. 
Creates a Windows control corresponding to the list box component. 
Deletes a string from the list box. 
Generates an OnDrawItem event. 
This is GetCheckWidth, a member of class TCheckListBox. 
Returns a 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a list box. 
Retrieves the data associated with an item in the list box. 
Associates an integer with a specified item in the list box. 
Responds when the user presses a key. 
This is LoadRecreateItems, a member of class TCheckListBox. 
OnMouseDown event dispatcher. 
Removes all of the items from a list box. 
This is SaveRecreateItems, a member of class TCheckListBox. 
Sets the 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a list box. 
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