RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomCombo Fields Protected Fields
Protected Fields
This is FDefEditProc, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FDefListProc, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FDropHandle, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FDroppingDown, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FEditHandle, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FEditInstance, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FFocusChanged, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FIsFocused, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FListHandle, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FListInstance, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
This is FSaveIndex, a member of class TCustomCombo. 
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