RAD Studio VCL Reference
AutoCmd Members Public Methods
Public Methods
Frees an System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object. 
This is the overview for the AutoCmd constructor overload. 
System::AutoCmd::Clears any assigned parameters and blanks the name of the associated method. 
Clears any assigned parameters. 
Blanks the name of the associated method. 
Returns the number of positional arguments that have been assigned. 
Returns the type of a parameter value. 
Indicates the type of the interface method represented by the System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object. 
Returns the name of the interface method this System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object represents. 
Returns the number of named arguments that have been assigned. 
Returns the type of a named parameter value. 
Returns the value of a named parameter. 
Returns the named of a named parameter value. 
Returns the value of a positional parameter. 
Indicates whether the method represented by the System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object has a return value. 
Sets the name of the method the System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object represents. 
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