RAD Studio VCL Reference
Defines the default sets of anchor types for all component alignment values. 
This is constant Controls.CM_ACTIONEXECUTE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_ACTIONUPDATE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_ACTIVATE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_ALLCHILDRENFLIPPED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_APPKEYDOWN. 
This is constant Controls.CM_APPSYSCOMMAND. 
This is constant Controls.CM_BASE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_BIDIMODECHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_BORDERCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_BUTTONPRESSED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CANCELMODE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CHILDKEY. 
This is constant Controls.CM_COLORCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CONTROLCHANGE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CONTROLLISTCHANGE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CONTROLLISTCHANGING. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CREATEPOPUP. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CTL3DCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CTLCOLOREDITGLASS. 
This is constant Controls.CM_CURSORCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DEACTIVATE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DESIGNHITTEST. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DESTROYHANDLE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DIALOGCHAR. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DIALOGHANDLE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DIALOGKEY. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DOCKCLIENT. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DOCKNOTIFICATION. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DOCWINDOWACTIVATE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_DRAG. 
This is constant Controls.CM_ENABLEDCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_ENTER. 
This is constant Controls.CM_EXIT. 
This is constant Controls.CM_FLOAT. 
This is constant Controls.CM_FOCUSCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_FONTCHANGE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_FONTCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_GETDATALINK. 
This is constant Controls.CM_GOTFOCUS. 
This is constant Controls.CM_HINTSHOW. 
This is constant Controls.CM_HINTSHOWPAUSE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_HITTEST. 
This is constant Controls.CM_ICONCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_INVALIDATE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_INVALIDATEDOCKHOST. 
This is constant Controls.CM_INVOKEHELP. 
This is constant Controls.CM_ISSHORTCUT. 
This is constant Controls.CM_ISTOOLCONTROL. 
This is constant Controls.CM_LOSTFOCUS. 
This is constant Controls.CM_MENUCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_MOUSEACTIVATE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_MOUSEENTER. 
This is constant Controls.CM_MOUSELEAVE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_MOUSEWHEEL. 
This is constant Controls.CM_PARENTBIDIMODECHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_PARENTCOLORCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_PARENTCTL3DCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_PARENTFONTCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_PARENTSHOWHINTCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_POPUPHWNDDESTROY. 
This is constant Controls.CM_RECREATEWND. 
This is constant Controls.CM_RELEASE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_SETACTIVECONTROL. 
This is constant Controls.CM_SHOWHINTCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_SHOWINGCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_SYSCOLORCHANGE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_SYSFONTCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_TABSTOPCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_TEXTCHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_TIMECHANGE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_UIACTIVATE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_UIDEACTIVATE. 
This is constant Controls.CM_UNDOCKCLIENT. 
This is constant Controls.CM_VISIBLECHANGED. 
This is constant Controls.CM_WANTSPECIALKEY. 
This is constant Controls.CM_WINDOWHOOK. 
This is constant Controls.CM_WININICHANGE. 
This is constant Controls.CN_BASE. 
This is constant Controls.CN_CHAR. 
This is constant Controls.CN_CHARTOITEM. 
This is constant Controls.CN_COMMAND. 
This is constant Controls.CN_COMPAREITEM. 
This is constant Controls.CN_CTLCOLORBTN. 
This is constant Controls.CN_CTLCOLORDLG. 
This is constant Controls.CN_CTLCOLOREDIT. 
This is constant Controls.CN_CTLCOLORLISTBOX. 
This is constant Controls.CN_CTLCOLORMSGBOX. 
This is constant Controls.CN_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR. 
This is constant Controls.CN_CTLCOLORSTATIC. 
This is constant Controls.CN_DELETEITEM. 
This is constant Controls.CN_DRAWITEM. 
This is constant Controls.CN_HSCROLL. 
This is constant Controls.CN_KEYDOWN. 
This is constant Controls.CN_KEYUP. 
This is constant Controls.CN_MEASUREITEM. 
This is constant Controls.CN_NOTIFY. 
This is constant Controls.CN_PARENTNOTIFY. 
This is constant Controls.CN_SYSCHAR. 
This is constant Controls.CN_SYSKEYDOWN. 
This is constant Controls.CN_VKEYTOITEM. 
This is constant Controls.CN_VSCROLL. 
Identifies the default cursor. 
Identifies an arrow cursor. 
Identifies an cross cursor. 
Identifies the default cursor. 
Identifies a drag cursor. 
Identifies a pointing hand cursor. 
Identifies a help cursor. 
Identifies an hour glass cursor. 
Identifies a horizontal split cursor. 
Identifies a text insert cursor. 
Identifies a multiple item drag cursor. 
Identifies a not allowed cursor. 
Identifies a not allowed to drop cursor. 
Identifies an invisible cursor. 
Identifies an obsolete cursor. 
Identifies a size in all directions cursor. 
Identifies a North-East to South-West sizing cursor. 
Identifies a vertical sizing cursor. 
Identifies a North-West to South-East sizing cursor. 
Identifies a horizontal sizing cursor. 
Identifies an SQL wait hour glass cursor. 
Identifies an upwards pointing arrow cursor. 
Identifies a vertical split cursor. 
This is constant Controls.CTL3D_ALL. 
Indicates that Abort was selected in a modal dialog. 
This is constant Controls.mrAll. 
Indicates that Cancel was selected in a modal dialog. 
Indicates that Ignore was selected in a modal dialog. 
Indicates that No was selected in a modal dialog. 
The default modal dialog return value. 
Indicates that 'No To All' was selected in a modal dialog. 
This is constant Controls.mrOk. 
Indicates that Retry was selected in a modal dialog. 
Indicates that Yes was selected in a modal dialog. 
Indicates that 'Yes To All' was selected in a modal dialog. 
This is constant Controls.NullDockSite. 
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