Moves the current position of a file to a specified component.
procedure Seek(var F; N: Longint);
Seek( F, Longint N);
Use Seek in Delphi code to move to a specified position in open typed or untyped files. The current file position of F moves to component number N, where the number of the first component of a file is 0.
In the above syntax, F is a typed or untyped file variable. The file specified by F must be open. N is an expression of type Longint
To expand a file, seek one component beyond the last component; that is, the statement Seek(F, FileSize(F)) moves the current file position to the end of the file.
Delphi Examples:
{ FileSize, Seek, FilePos example This example displays a open dialog when the user clicks a button. When the user selects the file, it reports the size of the file, seeks to halfway through the file, and reports the file position at that point. Note: This example assumes the compiler flag $IOCHECKS ON ($I+). That is, it expects errors to generate exceptions rather than checking IOResult to be sure that I/O routines succeed. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var f: file of Byte; size: Longint; S: string; y: Integer; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin AssignFile(f, OpenDialog1.FileName); Reset(f); try size := FileSize(f); S := 'File size in bytes: ' + IntToStr(size); y := 10; Canvas.TextOut(5, y, S); y := y + Canvas.TextHeight(S) + 5; S := 'Seeking halfway into file...'; Canvas.TextOut(5, y, S); y := y + Canvas.TextHeight(S) + 5; Seek(f, size div 2); S := 'Position is now ' + IntToStr(FilePos(f)); Canvas.TextOut(5, y, S); finally CloseFile(f); end; end; end;
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