RAD Studio VCL Reference
TSOAPAttachment Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TSOAPAttachment.

This is FSerializationOptions, a member of class TRemotable. 
This is GetSourceStream, a member of class TSOAPAttachment. 
This is InternalSetCacheFile, a member of class TSOAPAttachment. 
This is InternalSetSourceStream, a member of class TSOAPAttachment. 
This is SetOwnership, a member of class TSOAPAttachment. 
This is SetSourceString, a member of class TSOAPAttachment. 
Creates and initializes a TSOAPAttachment object. 
Frees the memory associated with the TSOAPAttachment object. 
Initializes the properties of a TSOAPAttachment instance. 
Converts this attachment object to its SOAP representation. 
Saves the contents of the attachment to a specified file. 
Saves the contents of the attachment to a specified file. 
Specifies a file from which TSOAPAttachment can read the content of the attachment. 
Specifies a stream from which TSOAPAttachment can read the content of the attachment. 
Initializes this TSOAPAttachment instance to represent the value of its SOAP representation. 
Identifies the temporary file where the attachment is saved. 
Indicates whether the temporary file that contains the attachment data is deleted when TSOAPAttachment is freed. 
Specifies the MIME type of the attachment data. 
Specifies the object that controls the lifetime of a TRemotable instance. 
Indicates the encoding (character set) of the body of the attachment. 
Indicates the values of the headers received with the attachment. 
Indicates whether the TSOAPAttachment object should free its source stream. 
Indicates how the value of the TRemotable descendant encodes its value. 
Indicates a stream from which to read the content of an attachment that the application sends. 
Specifies a string that is sent as the value of the attachment. 
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