RAD Studio VCL Reference

The following table lists constants in this documentation.

Specifies the difference between TDateTime and TTimeStamp starting values. 
Specifies the default string representation of the boolean false value. 
Specifies the default string representation of the boolean true value. 
Specifies the character used to separate the Windows drive from the path in a file name. 
Specifies any file type. 
Specifies only Windows archived file types. 
Specifies only directory 'file' types. 
Specifies only hidden file types. 
Specifies only read only file types. 
Specifies only symbolic link file types. 
Specifies only system file types. 
Specifies Volume ID file types. 
Specifies a file should be opened for reading only. 
Specifies a file should be opened for reading and writing. 
Specifies a file should be opened for writing only. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareCompat. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareDenyNone. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareDenyRead. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareDenyWrite. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareExclusive. 
Specifies the number of hours in a day. 
Defines the largest value supported for Currency data types. 
Specifies the highest supported TDateTime value. 
This is constant SysUtils.MaxEraCount. 
Defines the largest negative value supported for Currency data types. 
Specifies the earliest supported TDateTime value. 
Specifies the number of minutes in a day. 
Specifies the number of minutes in an hour. 
An array specifying how many days are in a month. 
Specifies the number of milliseconds in a day. 
Specifies the number of milliseconds in a second. 
Specifies a path delimiter character. 
Specifies the character used to separate a sequence of file or directory names. 
Indicates that a package was produced by via C++. 
Indicates that C++ can be a consumer of a package. 
This is constant SysUtils.pfConsumerCompat. 
Indicates that Delphi can be a consumer of a package. 
Indicates the comsumer of a package. 
Indicates that a package was produced by Delphi 4 or later. 
Indicates that a package was compiled with {$DESIGNONLY ON}. 
Indicates that a module is an executable. 
Indicates that a package was compiled with {$DUPLICATEENABLE ON}. 
Indicates that a module is a library. 
Indicates that a package is a module. 
Indicates that a package was compiled with the -z flag. 
Indicates that a module is a package. 
Indicates the producer of a package. 
Indicates that a package was produced by an unknown developmemt environment. 
Indicates that a package was compiled with {$RUNONLY ON}. 
Indicates that a package was produced by Delphi 3 or later. 
Specifies the number of seconds in a day. 
Specifies the number of seconds in a minute. 
Specifies the prefix character(s) for program command line arguments. 
Indicates that a unit was implicitly imported into a package. 
Indicates that a unit is the main one in a project. 
This is constant SysUtils.ufOrgWeakUnit. 
Indicates that a unit is a package. 
This is constant SysUtils.ufWeakPackageUnit. 
Indicates that a unit is a weak unit. 
Specifies the difference between TDateTime and Lunix date/time origins. 
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