RAD Studio VCL Reference

The following table lists classes in this documentation.

The base class for runtime exceptions that occur in grid panels. 
TBevel represents a beveled outline. 
TBoundLabel is the type of a labeled edit control's label. 
A collection of TCellItem objects. 
Represents an item in a TCellCollection
TColorBox represents a combo box that lets users select a color. 
TColorListBox represents a list box that lets users select a color. 
Controls the Collection Editor for columns within a grid panel. 
This is class ExtCtrls.TColumnItem. 
TControlBar manages the layout of toolbar components. 
This is class ExtCtrls.TControlCollection. 
This is class ExtCtrls.TControlItem. 
TCustomColorBox represents a combo box that lets users select a color. 
This is class ExtCtrls.TCustomColorListBox. 
TCustomControlBar is the base class for control bar components. 
The base class for all flow panel components. 
The base class for all grid panel components. 
TCustomLabeledEdit is the base class for edit controls that have an integrated label. 
TCustomPanel is the base class for all panel components. 
TCustomRadioGroup is the base class for radio-group components. 
The base class for TTrayIcon
TFlowPanel implements a flow panel control in which components are placed in pre-defined locations. 
TGridPanel implements a grid panel control in which each component is placed within a cell on a grid. 
THeader is a sectioned visual control that displays text and allows each section to be resized with the mouse. 
TImage displays a graphical image. 
TLabeledEdit is an edit control that has an associated label. 
TNotebook displays multiple pages, each with its own set of controls. 
This is class ExtCtrls.TPage. 
TPaintBox provides a canvas that applications can use for rendering an image. 
TPanel implements a generic panel control. 
TRadioGroup represents a group of radio buttons that function together. 
Controls the Collection Editor for rows within a grid panel. 
This is class ExtCtrls.TRowItem. 
TShape represents a geometric shape that can be drawn on a form. 
TSplitter divides the client area of a form into resizable panes. 
TTimer encapsulates the Windows API timer functions. 
Creates an icon in the system tray next to the clock. 
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