RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomSQLDataSet Properties Protected Properties
Protected Properties
Reserves a buffer for storing BLOB values. 
Indicates the meaning of the CommandText property. 
Indicates the size of the most recently read BLOB field. 
Identifies the datalink that manages communication between the SQL dataset and another, master dataset. 
Links the SQL dataset to another (master) dataset. 
Indicates the component that connects the dataset to its database server, taking into account whether the connection was cloned. 
Saves the error message for the last error returned by dbExpress. 
Indicates the maximum number of bytes fetched for any BLOB field in the dataset. 
Represents the SQL command that is sent to the server. 
Specifies whether the parameter list for an SQL dataset is regenerated when the SQL command changes. 
Indicates the number of parameters listed by the Params property. 
Represents the parameters for a query or stored procedure. 
ProcParams lists the parameter descriptors obtained from the server for any stored procedure parameters. 
Indicates the number of rows operated on by the latest query execution. 
Identifies the metadata with which to populate the dataset. 
Indicates the sort order when CommandType is ctTable. 
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