RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomLoginFormAdapter Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Returns the interface of the WebSnap application's end user adapter. 
Logs in the user after the user name and password have been validated. 
Returns the value of the NextPage property. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the CanAddActionClass method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the CanAddFieldClass method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the GetActionsList method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the GetFieldsList method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the NotifyDeactivate method. 
Raises an EAdapterFieldException with a message that the supplied password is blank. 
Raises an EAdapterFieldException with a message that the supplied user name is blank. 
Returns the interface of the WebSnap application's Web user list. 
Validates the password that the user supplied to the login form. 
Validates the name that the user supplied to the login form. 
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