RAD Studio VCL Reference
TSOAPDomConv Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Stores information about a SOAP attachment so that it is included in the final message that is created. 
This is AddMultiRefNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is AddNamespaceDecl, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is AddObjectAsWriting, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CheckEncodingStyle, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ChildNodesAreNull, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertByteArrayToSoap, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertEnumToSoap, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertNativeArrayToSoap, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertObjectToSOAP, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSoapToEnum, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSoapToNativeArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSoapToNativeArrayElem, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSOAPToObject, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSoapToVariant, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertVariantToSoap, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateMultiRefNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateNULLNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateObjectNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateScalarNodeXS, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateTypedNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is FinalizeMultiRefNodes, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Returns a TSOAPAttachment instance that represent the attachment with a specified ID. 
This is FindMultiRefNodeByID, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is FindMultiRefNodeByInstance, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is FindNodeByHREF, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is FindPrefixForURI, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetDataNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetElementType, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetNewID, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetNodeAsText, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetObjectPropAsText, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetOptions, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetTypeBySchemaNS, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Initializes an instance of a remotable object to reflect the values in its SOAP representation. 
This is IsNodeAVarArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is IsObjectWriting, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is LoadObject, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is the overview for the MakeArrayNode method overload. 
This is MultiRefObject, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is NodeIsNULL, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ObjectMemberNoShow, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Returns the SOAP representation of a remotable object. 
This is ReadHeader, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadRectDynArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadRectDynArrayElem, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadRow, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadVarArrayDim, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadVariant, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is RemoveObjectAsWriting, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ResetMultiRef, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is the overview for the SerializationOptions method overload. 
This is SetNodeType, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is SetObjectPropFromText, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is SetOptions, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is UnhandledNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteHeader, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteNonRectDynArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteNonRectDynArrayElem, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteRectDynArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteRectDynArrayElem, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteVarArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteVarArrayAsB64, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteVariant, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
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