RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomWebDispatcher Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
This is Access_Request, a member of class TCustomWebDispatcher. 
This is Access_Response, a member of class TCustomWebDispatcher. 
Passes an HTTP request message to the action items in Actions until it is handled. 
Generates an AfterDispatch event and returns a value that indicates whether the Web application can send the response. 
Generates a BeforeDispatch event and returns a value that indicates whether the dispatcher should look for action items to handle the request. 
This is FinishContext, a member of class TCustomWebDispatcher. 
Provides default handling of exceptions for the web application. 
Processes an HTTP request message. 
This is InitContext, a member of class TCustomWebDispatcher. 
This is InitModule, a member of class TCustomWebDispatcher. 
Responds to notifications when objects are added to the module. 
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