RAD Studio VCL Reference
TDSTableProducer Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Calls BeginLayout when the HTML table is not currently being laid out. 
Increments a counter that indicates the number of times the computation of the column order was begun but not completed. 
Returns the string of HTML <TH> tags that define the column headers for the table. 
Builds the Fields array in DataLink
This is DoCreateContent, a member of class TDSTableProducer. 
Generates an OnFormatCell event. 
Generates an OnGetCaption event. 
Decrements a counter that indicates the number of times the computation of the column order has been begun but not completed. 
Returns an HTML tag of a specified type that reflects a set of specified options. 
Provides the abstract prototype of a method to access the DataSet property. 
Returns the value of the DataSource property. 
Causes the Columns property to be recomputed when the dataset changes or changes are made to individual column objects. 
Recomputes the Columns property when the dataset becomes active. 
Adjusts the properties of TDSTableProducer when its helper objects are destroyed. 
Returns the HTML <TR> tag that defines each row of the HTML table. 
Sets the Columns property. 
Provides the abstract prototype of a method to set the DataSet property. 
Sets the DataSource property. 
Indicates whether the Columns property is stored when the TDSTableProducer is saved. 
Returns the HTML <Caption> tag that defines the caption for the HTML table. 
Returns the HTML <Table> tag for the HTML table. 
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