RAD Studio VCL Reference
DataStoreErrorCode Fields Public Fields
Public Fields
This is AfterLast, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is AggNotValidHere, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is AggOperatorNotFound, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is AlreadyLoading, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is AmbiguousLogdir, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is AmbiguousType, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is AnchorTooOld, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is AppendFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ApplicationError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadColumnIndex, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadDirection, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadFetchsize, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadFieldlist, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadMaxfieldsize, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadMaxrows, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadOrdinal, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadProcedureProperties, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadQueryProperties, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BadUrl, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BeforeFirst, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BigdecimalPrecisionError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is BirthstampMismatch, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotAssignTypes, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotCast, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotChangeColumn, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotChangeColumnDataType, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotDittoExisting, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotFindTableName, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotImportNullDataset, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotLockDir, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotMixNamedParameters, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotOpen, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotOrphanDetails, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotRefresh, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotRestructure, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotSaveChanges, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotStartServer, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotUpdateScopedDataRow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotUseInternalrow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CannotUseViewHere, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CantCreateOpenFile, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CantCreateOpenStream, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ClassNotFoundError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ColumnAlreadyBound, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ColumnIsReadonly, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ColumnNeedsRestructure, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ColumnNotInLeftRef, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ColumnNotInRightRef, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ColumnSpecifiedTwice, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ColumnTypeConflict, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ConflictingMethodDef, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ConnectionClosed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ConnectionCountExceeded, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ConnectionDescriptorNotSet, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ConnectionError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ConnectionNotClosed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ConnectionPoolClosed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ConnectionTimeout, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ConstraintNameExists, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CreateErrorMethodExists, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is CyclesInViewDefinition, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DataFileLoadFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DataHasDuplicates, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatasetAlreadyOpen, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatasetCorrupt, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatasetExists, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatasetHasNoRows, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatasetHasNoTables, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatasetNotOpen, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatasetOpen, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatastoreAlreadyOpen, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatastoreExists, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatastoreInvalid, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatastoreIsUnlicensed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatastoreNotFound, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatastoreNotOpen, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DatastoreOpen, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DbAdminError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is Deadlock, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DeleteDuplicates, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DeleteFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DeleteNotAllowed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DesktopLicense, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DifferentDegree, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DifferentSymbol, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DivideByZero, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DriverNotLoadedAtRuntime, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DriverNotLoadedInDesign, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DropErrorDependentView, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DropErrorForeignKey, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DropErrorRoleGrant, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DropSchemaError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DuplicateColumnName, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DuplicateKey, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is DuplicatePrimary, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is EmptyColumnNames, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is EofExpected, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ExceptionChain, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is FailoverError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is FeatureNotSupp, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is FieldPostError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is FileExists, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is FileNotFound, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is FloatPrecision, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ForeignKeyError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ForeignKeyViolation, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ForwardOnly, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is GenericError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is GreaterThanMax, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is HasResultset, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IllegalCatalog, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IllegalCharacter, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IllegalExprStart, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IllegalMethodCall, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IncompatibleBlockSize, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IncompatibleDataRow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IncompatibleTypes, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IncompatibleTypesForOp, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IndexAlreadyExists, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InlineTooSmall, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InsertFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InsertNotAllowed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InsufficientRowid, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IntegerRequired, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InternalDuplicateKey, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InternalError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InternalUpdateFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidAggDescriptor, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidAggExpr, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidAnchorFile, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidAnchorLength, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidBinaryString, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidClass, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidColumnFormat, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidColumnname, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidColumnPosition, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidColumnRef, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidColumnType, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidColumnValue, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidConstraintName, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidDataFileFormat, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidDirectoryAttributes, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidEscapeCharInLike, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidExtractField, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidFormat, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidIndexname, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidIteratorUse, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidJoin, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidLikePattern, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidLsn, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidPattern, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidPrecision, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidRowValues, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidSavepoint, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidSchemaFile, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidSort, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidSortAsInserted, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidSortColumn, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidStoreClass, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidStoreName, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidTablename, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidTableRef, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidTrimChar, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidUserName, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is InvalidViewDefinition, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IoError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IoNetError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IoProtocolError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is IsInsertRow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is LessThanMin, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is LinkColumnsError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is LinkfieldInUserparameters, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is LoadingNotStarted, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is LockTimeout, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is LogdirMismatch, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is LogExists, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MalformedDateOrTime, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MalformedDecimal, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MalformedFloating, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MasterDetailViewError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MasterNavigationError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MaxResolveFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MethodArgMismatch, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MethodClassMissing, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MethodNameMissing, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MethodNonexistent, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MethodNotFound, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MirrorError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MismatchColumnlistCount, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MismatchedParameterFormat, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MismatchInsertColumnCount, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MismatchIntoParamCount, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MismatchParamResult, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MissingCheckpointFile, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MissingLogFile, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MissingMasterDataset, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MissingReplacestorerow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MissingResolver, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MoreThanOneRow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MultipleRowsAffected, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is MustBeSingleColumn, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NameNotUnique, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NeedALogdir, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NeedLocateStartOption, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NeedProcedureprovider, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NeedQueryprovider, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NeedsRecalc, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NeedStoragedataset, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NegativeSqrtArgument, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NegativeSubstringLength, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NestedAggregators, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NewerVersion, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NewerVersionForOperation, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoCalcAggFields, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoCalcFields, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoDatabaseToResolve, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NodefaultForBinary, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoGroupingColumn, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NonExistentRowid, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoNonBlobColumns, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NonPrimitiveRequired, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NonTransactional, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoPrimaryKey, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoPriorOriginalRow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoReadonly, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoResultSet, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoResultsetProduced, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoRowsAffected, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoRowsToDelete, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoServerFound, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoSuchParameter, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NotAnOutputParameter, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NotDatabaseResolver, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NotImplemented, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NotInsertRow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NotSelectQuery, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NotTransactional, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NotUpdateable, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoUpdatableColumns, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NoWhereClause, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NowReadonly, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NullColumnName, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NumericOverflow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is NumericUnderflow, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is OlderVersion, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is OldLog, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is OnepassInputStream, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is OperationCanceled, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is OutParameterRequired, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is OverloadedDiffParams, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ParameterCountMismatch, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ParameterValueNotSet, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is PartialSearchForString, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is PhysUndoNeeded, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is PrivilegeMix, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ProcedureFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ProcedureInProcess, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ProtocolVersion, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ProviderFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ProviderOwned, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is QueryFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is QueryInProcess, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ReadBlockError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ReadOnly, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ReadOnlyColumn, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ReadOnlyDataset, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ReadOnlyStore, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ReadonlyTimeout, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ReadonlytxStartFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RecoveryDenied, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RefreshrowNotSupported, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RenamedTwice, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ReopenFailure, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ResolveFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ResolveInProgress, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ResolvePartial, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RestructureDataLoss, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RestructureInProgress, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RestructureParseError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RestructurePrecisionLoss, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ResultNotUpdateable, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ResultsetClosed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RevokeErrorDependentPrivilege, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RevokeErrorDependentView, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RevokeErrorForeignKey, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RowLockTimeout, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RowNotFound, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RowTooWide, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is RuntimeError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is SecurityError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is SetCalculatedFailure, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is SingleRowHasMoreRows, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is SqlError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is StatementClosed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is StoreNameNotSet, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is StoreOperationUnsupported, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is StreamClosed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is StreamNotFound, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is StreamOpenTwice, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is StringTooLong, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is SyntaxError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TableAlreadyExists, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TableNonexistent, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TooManyAutoIncrements, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TooManyErrors, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TooManyOpenFiles, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is Toomanyspecs, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TransactionIsolationLevelNotSupported, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TxAlreadyStarted, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TxManagerInuse, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TxNotAllowed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TxRequired, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is TypenameExpected, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnclosedComment, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnclosedIdentifier, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnclosedStringLiteral, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnexpectedEndOfQuery, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnknownColumn, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnknownColumnName, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnknownDetailName, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnknownParameter, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnknownParamName, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnrecognizedDataType, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnrecognizedEscape, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnsupportedColumntype, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UnsupportedDbxType, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UpdateFailed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UpdateNotAllowed, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UrlNotFound, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is UrlNotFoundInDesign, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is ViewNotUpdatable, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is WithCheckOptionViolation, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is WriteBlockError, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is WrongCreateschemaname, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is WrongDatabase, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is WrongSchemaname, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is WrongTableType, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
This is XaActive, a member of class DataStoreErrorCode. 
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