RAD Studio VCL Reference
TDateTimePicker Members Protected Properties
Protected Properties
Contains the action link object associated with the control. 
Specifies whether the control sizes itself automatically to accommodate its contents. 
Specifies the width of the control's border. 
Indicates the calendar control's window handle. 
Specifies the calendar's exception class. 
Specifies a text string that identifies the control to the user. 
Determines whether a control has a three-dimensional (3-D) or two-dimensional look. 
Specifies the default window procedure for the windowed control. 
Specifies whether the control uses the Windows icon font when writing text. 
Indicates the last date that in the range of selected dates. 
Specifies the left-most day on the calendar. 
Determines whether a form stores its form-specific properties to a stream. 
Specifies the maximum number of days that can be selected. 
Specifies how many months that the calendar scrolls. 
Indicates whether the control has "captured" mouse events. 
Specifies whether multiple dates can be selected on the calendar. 
Determines whether control uses parent's theme background. 
Determines where a component looks to determine if it should appear three dimensional. 
Reflects which attributes of the control have been scaled. 
Specifies whether today's date is shown below the calendar. 
Specifies whether today's date is circled on the calendar. 
Contains a text string associated with the control. 
Specifies whether week numbers are shown to the left of the calendar. 
Accumulates mouse wheel rotations. 
Provides access to a window handle for the control. 
Contains the text string of the control. 
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