RAD Studio VCL Reference
TPropertyPageImpl Members Protected Methods
Protected Methods
This is _AddRef, a member of class TAggregatedObject. 
This is _Release, a member of class TAggregatedObject. 
This is Activate, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is Apply, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is Deactivate, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is EditProperty, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is GetPageInfo, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is Help, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is IsPageDirty, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is Move, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is QueryInterface, a member of class TAggregatedObject. 
This is SetObjects, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is SetPageSite, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is Show, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
This is TranslateAccelerator, a member of class TPropertyPageImpl. 
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