RAD Studio VCL Reference
TWebApplicationStub Members Public Properties
Public Properties
This is Actions, a member of class IBaseAdapterStub. 
This is CanModify, a member of class IAdapterStub. 
This is CanView, a member of class IAdapterStub. 
This is Designing, a member of class IApplicationStub. 
This is Errors, a member of class IAdapterStub. 
This is Fields, a member of class IBaseAdapterStub. 
This is HiddenFields, a member of class IAdapterStub. 
This is HiddenRecordFields, a member of class IAdapterStub. 
This is Mode, a member of class IAdapterStub. 
This is ModuleFileName, a member of class IApplicationStub. 
This is ModulePath, a member of class IApplicationStub. 
This is Records, a member of class IBaseRecordsAdapterStub. 
This is Title, a member of class IApplicationStub. 
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