RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomizeActionClientItem Members Published Properties
Published Properties
Specifies the action category or action that the TActionClientItem represents. 
Specifies the image that is drawn on the action client's action band for the action client. 
Specifies how the image specified in the Background property is rendered on the action band used by the action client to render any sub-items that are contained by the action client. 
Specifies the caption the action manager uses when the TActionClientItem is rendered on an action band. 
Indicates which kinds of changes to the action client are permissible. 
Specifies the background color for TClientAction when it is rendered on a action band. 
Specifies the TActionClients object that is rendered as a popup menu when a item is right clicked. 
This is HelpContext, a member of class TActionClientItem. 
Contains the ImageIndex property for the client action item. 
Specifies the TActionClients object that contains the sub-items of the action client. 
Specifies the date an action client was last used. 
Used to help merge action lists. 
Contains the ShortCut property for the action client item. 
Determines whether the caption for the TActionClientItem is drawn. 
Indicates whether an image should be shown for the action. 
Determines whether the underbar character underneath the shortcut character is displayed. 
This is Tag, a member of class TActionClient. 
Specifies the total number of times an item has been used. 
Determines whether the action client is visible. 
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