RAD Studio VCL Reference

The following table lists types in this documentation.

PPointerList is a pointer to a TPointerList type. 
PStringItem is a TStringItem pointer. 
PStringItemList is a TStringItemList pointer. 
This is type Classes.PSynchronizeRecord. 
TAncestorNotFoundEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnAncestorNotFound event. 
TBasicActionClass defines the metaclass for TBasicAction
TBasicActionLinkClass defines the metaclass for TBasicActionLink
TCollectionItemClass defines the metaclass for TCollectionItem
TComponentClass defines the metaclass for TComponent
TComponentName is the type for the Name property of all components. 
TComponentState is a set of flags that describe the current state of a component. 
TComponentStyle is a set of flags that describe the current Style of a component. 
TCreateComponentEvent is a type of procedure called by the TReader class OnCreateComponentEvent event. 
TFilerFlags is the set of TFilerFlag values. 
TFindAncestorEvent is a procedure called by the TWriter class OnFindAncestor event. 
This is type Classes.TFindComponentClassEvent. 
This is type Classes.TFindComponentInstanceEvent. 
This is type Classes.TFindGlobalComponent. 
TFindMethodEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnFindMethod event. 
TFindMethodInstanceEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnFindMethodInstance event. 
TFindMethodNameEvent is a procedure called by the TWriter class OnFindMethodName event. 
TGetChildProc is a type of procedure called used internally by the TComponent class. 
TGetClass is a callback procedure used by the TClassFinder class. 
This is type Classes.TGetLookupInfoEvent. 
This is type Classes.TGetModuleProc. 
TGetStrProc is a general purpose type of callback procedure invoked for each of a set of strings. 
THelpContext is the range of values that a HelpContext value may have. 
TIdentToInt is a type of callback function used by the IdentToInt routine. 
TIntToIdent is a type of callback function used by the IntToIdent routine. 
TIsUniqueGlobalComponentName is a type of function used by IsUniqueGlobalComponentName
TLeftRight is a subset of TAlignment that allows left or right justification. 
TListSortCompare is a type of callback function called used internally by the TList class. 
TNotifyEvent is used for events that do not require parameters. 
TParserErrorEvent is a callback procedure used by the TClassFinder class. 
TPersistentClass defines the metaclass for TPersistent
TPointerList is an array of pointers. 
TReadComponentsProc is a type of callback procedure called used internally by the TReader class ReadComponents method. 
TReaderError is a type of callback procedure called used internally by the TReader class ReadComponents method. 
TReaderProc is a type of callback procedure called used by TFiler and descendant DefineProperty methods. 
TReferenceNameEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnReferenceNameEvent event. 
TSetNameEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnSetNameEvent event. 
TShiftState indicates the state of the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift keys and the mouse buttons. 
TStringsDefined defines an enumeration of string delimiter names. 
TStreamProc is a type of callback procedure called used by TFiler and descendant DefineBinaryProperty methods. 
TStringItemList defines an array of TStringItems. 
TStringListSortCompare is a type of callback function called used internally by the TStringList class. 
This is type Classes.TStringsDefined. 
This is type Classes.TThreadMethod. 
TTopBottom is a subset of TVerticalAlignment that allows top or bottom alignment. 
TWndMethod is the type for Windows message procedures. 
TWriterProc is a type of callback procedure called used by TFiler and descendant DefineProperty methods. 
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