RAD Studio VCL Reference
TButtonGroup Methods

The methods of the TButtonGroup class are listed here.

This is CreateButton, a member of class TButtonGroup. 
Creates underlying screen object. 
Initializes a window-creation parameter data structure. 
OnEndDrag event dispatcher. 
This is DoHotButton, a member of class TButtonGroup. 
This is DoItemClicked, a member of class TButtonGroup. 
OnMouseWheelDown event dispatcher. 
OnMouseWheelUp event dispatcher. 
This is DoReorderButton, a member of class TButtonGroup. 
OnStartDrag event dispatcher. 
OnDragOver event dispatcher. 
This is DrawButton, a member of class TButtonGroup. 
This is GetButtonClass, a member of class TButtonGroup. 
This is GetButtonsClass, a member of class TButtonGroup. 
Returns the control's image list containing the image to be displayed while dragging. 
OnMouseDown event dispatcher. 
Respond to mouse moving over control area.. 
OnMouseUp event dispatcher. 
Responds to notifications that components are being created or destroyed. 
Renders the image of a custom control. 
Respond to control resize. 
This is UpdateAllButtons, a member of class TButtonGroup. 
This is UpdateButton, a member of class TButtonGroup. 
Assigns values to buttons and categories. 
OnDragDrop event dispatcher. 
Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a button, given the rectangle's index number. 
Retrieves the index of a button, given x and y coordinates. 
Removes the insertion points added by SetInsertionPoints
Scrolls buttons to make the the buttons visible in the group container. 
Draws an insert line for inserting at InsertionIndex. You can choose to show or hide insertion points. 
Provides the target insertion index of a given coordinate (x,y). If the target is somewhere in or above the top half of a button, this method inserts an object above the button. If the target is somewhere in or below the bottom half of a button, the method inserts an object after the button. 
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