RAD Studio VCL Reference
TWSDLDocument Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TWSDLDocument.

This is FComponentStyle, a member of class TComponent. 
Called when an application uses a component interface. 
Called when an application uses a component interface. 
Called when an application releases a component interface. 
Called when an application releases a component interface. 
This is AssignParseOptions, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. 
Sets the private, internal storage for the Name property to the string passed in NewName. 
This is CheckActive, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is CheckAutoSave, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is CheckDOM, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Designates methods for storing an object's unpublished data on a stream such as a form file. 
Provides an interface for a method that reads and writes otherwise unpublished data. 
Designates methods for storing an object's unpublished data on a stream such as a form file. 
This is DoAfterClose, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is DoAfterOpen, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is DoBeforeClose, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is DoBeforeOpen, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is DoNodeChange, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Returns the value of the Active property. 
Returns the value of the AsyncLoadState property. 
This is GetChildNodeClass, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Returns the value of the ChildNodes property. 
Returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. 
Returns the parent, or if there is no parent, returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. 
This is GetChildren, a member of class TComponent. 
Returns the value of the Definition property. 
Returns the value of the DocumentElement property. 
Returns the value of the Node property. 
This is GetDocumentObject, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Returns the value of the DOMDocument property. 
This is GetDOMPersist, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Returns the value of the Encoding property. 
Returns the value of the FileName property. 
Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs). 
Returns the value of the Modified property. 
Returns the value of the NodeIndentStr property. 
Returns the value of the Options property. 
Returns the owner of a component. 
Returns the owner of an object. 
Returns the value of the ParseOptions property. 
This is GetPrologNode, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is GetPrologValue, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Returns the value of the SchemaRef property. 
Returns the value of the StandAlone property. 
Retrieves the type information for an object. 
Returns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1). 
Returns the value of the Version property. 
Returns the value of the XML property. 
This is InternalSetPrologValue, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Provides access to Automation properties and methods when the component wraps an Automation object. 
This is LoadData, a member of class TWSDLDocument. 
Initializes the component after the form file has been read into memory. 
Initializes the component after the form file has been read into memory. 
Forwards notification messages to all owned components. 
Responds when the component is created from the component palette. 
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. 
This is ReadDOMVendor, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is ReadState, a member of class TComponent. 
This is ReleaseDoc, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is SaveToUTF8String, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is SaveToXMLStrings, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Sets the value of the Active property. 
This is SetAncestor, a member of class TComponent. 
This is SetChildOrder, a member of class TComponent. 
Sets the value of the Definition property. 
Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. 
Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. 
Sets the value of the DocumentElement property. 
Sets the value of the DOMDocument property. 
Sets the value of the Encoding property. 
Sets the value of the FileName property. 
Sets the csInline bit of the component's ComponentState property 
This is SetModified, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Sets the value of the Name property. 
Sets the value of the NodeIndentStr property. 
Supplies an event handler that responds when the AsyncLoadState property changes. 
Sets the value of the Options property. 
This is SetParentComponent, a member of class TComponent. 
Sets the value of the ParseOptions property. 
This is SetPrologValue, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Sets the value of the StandAlone property. 
Sets the value of the Version property. 
Sets the value of the XML property. 
This is SetXMLStrings, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Clears the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property when the component finishes updating. 
Provides the interface for a method that adds type library and version information to the Registry on components that implement COM interfaces. 
Sets the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property. 
Determines whether an object can be inserted into a container. 
Provides the interface for a method that validates an child component before it is inserted. 
Ensures that renaming an owned component does not create name conflict. 
This is WriteDOMVendor, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is WriteState, a member of class TComponent. 
This is XMLStringsChanging, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is DocBindingInfo, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is DocSource, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is DOMParseOptions, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is DOMPersist, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is PrefixID, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
Increments the reference count for this interface. 
Decrements the reference count for this interface. 
This is the overview for the AddChild method overload. 
This is the overview for the AddChild method overload. 
Initializes the TWSDLDocument object after the last constructor has executed. 
Copies the contents of another, similar object. 
Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called. 
Responds before the first destructor executes. 
Returns a pointer to the runtime type information (RTTI) table for the object type. 
Returns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument). 
Determines whether an object is of a specific type. 
Returns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class. 
Returns the class reference for the object's class. 
Performs finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class. 
Allocates memory and constructs a safely initialized instance of a component. 
Constructs an object and initializes its data before the object is first used. 
This is the overview for the Create constructor overload. 
Creates a new element node that is associated with this document. 
Creates a new element node that is associated with this document. 
Creates a new node that is associated with this document. 
Creates a new node that is associated with this document. 
Provides the interface for a method that processes message records. 
Disposes of the component and its owned components. 
Destroys the TPersistent instance and frees its memory. 
Disposes of an object instance. 
Disposes of a TXMLDocument object. 
Destroys all owned components. 
Indicates that the component and its owned components are about to be destroyed. 
Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter. 
This is ExecuteAction, a member of class TComponent. 
Returns the address of a published object field. 
Indicates whether a given component is owned by the component. 
Destroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary. 
Deallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the System::TObject::NewInstance method. 
Ensures that AComponent is notified that the component is going to be destroyed. 
Frees the interface reference for components that were created from COM classes. 
Generates a unique namespace prefix that can be used for a node in the document. 
Generates a unique namespace prefix that can be used for a node in the document. 
Returns the value of the Active property. 
Returns the value of the AsyncLoadState property. 
Returns the value of the ChildNodes property. 
Returns a reference to the component associated by the implementing class. 
Replaces the document element with an instance of a specified implementation class. 
Replaces a specified child node with an instance of a specified implementation class. 
Returns the value of the DocumentElement property. 
Returns the value of the Node property. 
This is GetDocumentObject, a member of class IXMLDocumentAccess. 
Returns the value of the DOMDocument property. 
This is GetDOMPersist, a member of class IXMLDocumentAccess. 
Returns the value of the Encoding property. 
Returns a TComponent enumerator. 
Returns the value of the FileName property. 
Retrieves a specified interface. 
Returns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class. 
Returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class. 
Returns the value of the Modified property. 
Returns a string used by the Object Inspector. 
Returns the name of the object as it appears in the Object Inspector. 
Returns the value of the NodeIndentStr property. 
Returns the value of the Options property. 
Returns the containing Component. 
Returns the value of the ParseOptions property. 
Returns the value of the SchemaRef property. 
Returns the value of the StandAlone property. 
Returns the value of the Version property. 
Returns the value of the XML property. 
This is HasParent, a member of class TComponent. 
Determines the relationship of two object types. 
Initializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer. 
Establishes the component as the owner of a specified component. 
Returns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type. 
Indicates whether the TXMLDocument instance represents an empty document. 
Indicates whether the IXMLDocument instance represents an empty document. 
Indicates whether the component implements a specified interface. 
Loads an XML document and activates it. 
Loads an XML document from disk. 
Loads an XML document from a stream and activates it. 
Loads an XML document from a stream and activates it. 
This is the overview for the LoadFromXML method overload. 
This is the overview for the LoadFromXML method overload. 
This is MethodAddress, a member of class TObject. 
This is MethodName, a member of class TObject. 
Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. 
Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. 
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. 
Establishes or removes internal links that cause this component to be notified when the implementer of a specified interface is destroyed. 
Updates the parsed XML document to reflect external changes. 
Updates the parsed XML document to reflect external changes. 
Registers an implementation class for child nodes with a specified tag name. 
Registers an implementation class for child nodes with a specified tag name. 
Removes a specified component specified from the component's Components list. 
Disables destruction notification that was enabled by FreeNotification 
Forces all child nodes and attribute nodes to be reread from the underlying DOM implementation. 
Forces all child nodes and attribute nodes to be reread from the underlying DOM implementation. 
Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. 
Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. 
Saves the XML document to disk. 
Saves the XML document to disk. 
Saves the XML document to a stream. 
Saves the XML document to a stream. 
This is the overview for the SaveToXML method overload. 
This is the overview for the SaveToXML method overload. 
Sets the value of the Active property. 
Sets the value of the DocumentElement property. 
Sets the value of the DOMDocument property. 
Sets the value of the Encoding property. 
Sets the value of the FileName property. 
Sets the value of the NodeIndentStr property. 
Supplies an event handler that responds when the AsyncLoadState property changes. 
Sets the value of the Options property. 
Sets the value of the ParseOptions property. 
Sets the value of the StandAlone property. 
Identifies whether the component is a subcomponent. 
Sets the value of the Version property. 
Sets the value of the XML property. 
This is UpdateAction, a member of class TComponent. 
Specifies whether the XML document has been parsed so that the DOM interfaces are available to examine or change its contents. 
Indicates the state of the DOM parser when it parses the XML document asynchronously. 
Indicates the state of the DOM parser when it parses the XML document asynchronously. 
Lists all of the child nodes of the document. 
Lists all of the child nodes of the document. 
Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component. 
Indicates the number of components owned by the component. 
Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array. 
Lists all components owned by the component. 
Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions. 
Governs the behavior of the component. 
Provides access to the definitions contained in the WSDL document. 
Contains information used by the Form designer. 
Provides access to the root node of the XML document. 
Provides access to the root node of the XML document. 
This is DocumentObject, a member of class IXMLDocumentAccess. 
Provides access to the DOM interface for the parsed XML document. 
Provides access to the DOM interface for the parsed XML document. 
This is DOMImplementation, a member of class TXMLDocument. 
This is DOMPersist, a member of class IXMLDocumentAccess. 
Indicates the character set that the XML document uses to encode characters. 
Indicates the character set that the XML document uses to encode characters. 
Indicates the XML document file, if any, that this interface represents. 
Indicates whether the XML document has been modified. 
Indicates whether the XML document has been modified. 
Provides access to the document node for the XML document. 
Provides access to the document node for the XML document. 
Indicates the string that is inserted before nested nodes in the formatted XML text. 
Specifies the base string for automatically-generated namespace prefixes. 
Influences various aspects of the document's behavior. 
Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component. 
Specifies implementation-specific options that are followed when parsing the XML document. 
Returns the name of the schema associated with this XML document. 
Returns the name of the schema associated with this XML document. 
Indicates whether the XML document includes any external markup declarations. 
Indicates whether the XML document includes any external markup declarations. 
Represents information used internally by components that support COM. 
Indicates the XML version that the document uses. 
Indicates the XML version that the document uses. 
Specifies the content of the XML document associated with this IXMLDocument interface. 
Occurs after the XML document is closed. 
Occurs after a change is made to one of the nodes in the document. 
Occurs immediately after the XML document is opened. 
Occurs immediately before the XML document is closed. 
Occurs before a change is made to one of the nodes in the document. 
Occurs immediately before the XML document is opened. 
Occurs at various stages during the asynchronous parsing of an XML document. 
Specifies whether the XML document has been parsed so that the DOM interfaces are available to examine or change its contents. 
Specifies the DOM implementation to use for parsing and manipulating the XML document. 
Specifies the file name for the XML document associated with this TXMLDocument object. 
Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code. 
Indicates the string that is inserted before nested nodes in the formatted XML text. 
Influences various aspects of the document's behavior. 
Specifies implementation-specific options that are followed when parsing the XML document. 
Stores an integer value as part of a component. 
Specifies the content of the XML document associated with this TXMLDocument object. 
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