RAD Studio VCL Reference

The following table lists classes in this documentation.

TBucketList is a simple hash table that stores pointers indexed by pointers. 
TClassList maintains a list of classes. 
TComponentList maintains a list of components, updating itself when a component is freed. 
TCustomBucketList is the base class for lists that store items under a limited number of categories. 
This is class Contnrs.TIntegerBucketList. 
TObjectBucketList is a simple hash table that stores objects that are identified by other objects. 
TObjectList maintains a list of (owned) objects. 
TObjectQueue maintains a first-in first-out list of objects. 
TObjectStack maintains a last-in first-out list of objects. 
TOrderedList maintains an array of pointers that must be accessed in serial order. 
TQueue maintains a first-in first-out array of pointers. 
TStack maintains a last-in first-out array of pointers. 
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