RAD Studio
WSDLIMP.EXE, the Command Line WSDL Import Tool

WSDLIMP generates code to represent the types and APIs that a WSDL document defines. This code can be used to write client applications that call on the Web Service that the WSDL (Web Services Description Language) document describes. If you want to write a server that implements the Web Service, one of the command line options tells the importer to generate implementation classes that you can then complete by filling in the bodies of the generated methods.

Note: WSDLIMP ignores any definitions in the WSDL document for which it can't generate code. That is, it can only import Web Services that use SOAP or document literal encoding.

Borland WSDLIMP Version 2.3 - $Rev: 16699 $
Copyright (c) 2008 Borland Software Corporation
Usage: WSDLIMP [options] <WSDL[File|URL]|UDDI BindingKey>

 Code Generation Options:
  -C   Generate C++ code                   -P   Generate Pascal code
                          [ -option{+|-} default shown ]
  -Oa- Process optional/nillable elements  -Op+ Process inc/imported schemas
  -Od+ Generate Complex Type Destructors   -Oq- Quiet mode (Suppress Headers)
  -Of- Process Faults                      -Og- Use OLE GUIDs for interface
  -Oi- Ignore Schema errors                -Os- Generate Server skeleton code
  -Ok- Map pure collections to classes     -Ot- Output unused types
  -Ol- Generate Literal types              -Ou+ Unwrap Literal Parameters
  -Om- Allow out parameters                -Ov+ Verbose Info. in file
  -On- Declare Types in Namespace          -Ow+ Map strings to WideStrings
  -Oo+ One out param becomes return        -Ox+ Strong class Aliases
 Other options:
  -D<path> Output directory path           -=+ Output filename after'=' in URL
  -U<url of UDDI Registry> UDDI Registry [NOTE: input must be UDDI bindingkey(s)

   @<Resp> Response file with list of WSDL|UDDIBindingKey to import

 Proxy/Server Authentication:
 -user:userName -pass:Password [-proxy:Proxy]

WSDLIMP.EXE imports a WSDL document, generating the code that lets your application call on the Web Service that the WSDL document describes. This is the command-line version of the Web Services importer, which is available on the Web Services tab of the new items dialog. 

You can configure the output using the WSDLIMP command-line options when you start the program. These options let you specify whether the importer generates Object Pascal or C++ code, whether you want to generate implementation classes because you are writing a server, and how to handle various types of definitions in the WSDL document.

The command-line syntax for WSDLIMP is:

WSDLIMP [<options>] <Inputfile|URL> 

<Inputfile> is a physical WSDL document to import. 

<URL> is the URL for accessing a WSDL document that is published on the Web. 

<options> stand for any of the WSDLIMP command-line options.

The following table lists the command-line options for WSDLIMP:

Generate C++ code to represent the definitions in the WSDL file. You must use either this option or the –P option, but not both.  
Generate Object Pascal code to represent the definitions in the WSDL file. You must use either this option or the –C option, but not both.  
Generate implementation classes for the APIs that the WSDL document defines. This option is used when you want to write a server that implements the Web Service that the WSDL document describes.  
When the importer encounters a type that maps to a class with no members, change the imported code to an array. This option exists because in some cases when the WSDL document does not make consistent use of schema definitions, the importer has problems importing array types, which results in a type that is represented by a class with no members. This option is always safe to use unless the WSDL document describes a Web Service that uses document literal encoding. Document literal encoding can also give rise to an empty class when a method has no return value.  
Ignore ill-formed schemas when importing the WSDL document and attempt to import the Web Service anyway. This allows the importer to handle cases where the WSDL document is not completely well-formed but the intent is clear.  
Treat methods with a single output parameter as functions, mapping the single output parameter to the return value.  
Do not generate a header comment at the top of each generated file. The header comments indicate what options were used, list any warnings about the generated code, and so on.  
Generate type definitions for the two types that represent the input and output of a call when the Web Service uses document literal encoding. This option is only used with the –Ou+ option. When you do not specify –Ou+, the two type definitions are always generated.  
Unwind the literal parameters of document literal encoding to generate method calls. When this option is selected, the importer converts the two types that  
Unwind the literal parameters of document literal encoding to generate method calls. When this option is selected, the importer converts the two types that  
Generate code comments (verbose information).  
Map strings in the WSDL document to the WideString type. WideStrings are more robust, because they can handle extended characters, but they are not as efficient as using AnsiStrings (the default).  
Specifies the directory where WSDLIMP writes the files that it generates.  
Specifies a text file where each line lists a URL or WSDL file to import. You can optionally add '=OutputFileName' after the URL or file name to specify where to place the generated code for each imported WSDL document.  
Copyright(C) 2009 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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