(Command-line option to suppress warning: -w-sus)
The compiler encountered some conversion of a pointer that caused the pointer to point to a different type.
You should use a cast to suppress this warning if the conversion is proper.
A common cause of this warning is when the C compiler converts a function pointer of one type to another (the C++ compiler generates an error when asked to do that). It can be suppressed by doing a typecast. Here is a common occurrence of it for Windows programmers:
#define STRICT #include <windows.h> LPARAM _export WndProc( HWND , UINT , WPARAM , LPARAM ); test() { WNDCLASS wc; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; //warning }
It is suppressed by making the assignment to lpfnWndProc as follows:
wc.lpfnWndProc = ( WNDPROC ) WndProc;
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