This procedure tells how to use the dbExpress driver framework to connect to a database and read its records. In the sample code, the dbExpress ini files contain all the information about the particular database connection, such as driver, user name, password, and so on.
// This sample connects to a database using the ini files. // These files must be configured for the database. // Once connected, the sample reads values and displays the // ANSI values for the first 100 records in a listbox. // Get a TDBXConnection using a TDBXConnectionFactory. // ConnectionName = section in the connections ini file. class function TForm1.BuildConnectionFromConnectionName( ConnectionName: WideString): TDBXConnection; var ConnectionFactory: TDBXConnectionFactory; ConnectionProps: TDBXProperties; begin ConnectionFactory := TDBXConnectionFactory.GetConnectionFactory; ConnectionProps := ConnectionFactory.GetConnectionProperties(ConnectionName); Result := ConnectionFactory.GetConnection(ConnectionProps, ConnectionProps.Values[TDBXPropertyNames.UserName], ConnectionProps.Values[TDBXPropertyNames.Password] ); end; procedure Connect; var connection: TDBXConnection; command: TDBXCommand; reader: TDBXReader; value: TDBXValue; valueType: TDBXValueType; colCountStr: string; i, j: Integer; numCols: integer; ListBox1: TListBox; const sqlCommand = 'select * from employee'; begin // Open connection to DB. connection := BuildConnectionFromConnectionName('ConnectionName'); connection.Open; // Get command command := connection.CreateCommand(); command.Text := sqlCommand; // Execute query command.Prepare; reader := command.ExecuteQuery; // Get values from DB if reader.Next then begin numCols := reader.GetColumnCount; Str(numCols, colCountStr); ListBox1.Items.Add('Number of columns = ' + colCountStr); j := 1; repeat for i := 0 to reader.GetColumnCount - 1 do begin valueType := reader.ValueType[i]; if valueType.DataType = TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType then begin value := reader.Value[i]; ListBox1.Items.Add(valueType.Name + ' = ' + value.GetString); end else ListBox1.Items.Add(valueType.Name); end; Inc(j); until (j > 100) or not reader.Next; reader.Next; end; // Free resources command.Free; end;
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