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This section contains Pointer topics.

The declaration
type declarator [<constant-expression>]
declares an array composed of elements of type. An array consists of a contiguous region of storage exactly large enough to hold all of its elements.
If an expression is given in an array declarator, it must evaluate to a positive constant integer. The value is the number of elements in the array. Each of the elements of an array is numbered from 0 through the number of elements minus one.
Multidimensional arrays are constructed by declaring arrays of array type. The following example shows one way to declare a two-dimensional array. The implementation... more 
C++ reference types are closely related to pointer types. Reference types create aliases for objects and let you pass arguments to functions by reference. C passes arguments only by value. In C++ you can pass arguments by value or by reference. See Referencing for complete details. 
Pointer arithmetic is limited to addition, subtraction, and comparison. Arithmetical operations on object pointers of type "pointer to type" automatically take into account the size of type; that is, the number of bytes needed to store a type object.
The internal arithmetic performed on pointers depends on the memory model in force and the presence of any overriding pointer modifiers.
When performing arithmetic with pointers, it is assumed that the pointer points to an array of objects. Thus, if a pointer is declared to point to type, adding an integral value to the pointer advances the pointer... more 
A pointer or the pointed-at object can be declared with the const modifier. Anything declared as a const cannot be have its value changed. It is also illegal to create a pointer that might violate the nonassignability of a constant object. Consider the following examples:  
Pointer types can be converted to other pointer types using the typecasting mechanism:  
A pointer must be declared as pointing to some particular type, even if that type is void (which really means a pointer to anything). Once declared, though, a pointer can usually be reassigned so that it points to an object of another type. The compiler lets you reassign pointers like this without typecasting, but the compiler will warn you unless the pointer was originally declared to be of type pointer to void. In C, but not C++, you can assign a void* pointer to a non-void* pointer. See void for details.
Warning: You need to initialize pointers... more 
Pointers fall into two main categories: pointers to objects and pointers to functions. Both types of pointers are special objects for holding memory addresses.
The two pointer categories have distinct properties, purposes, and rules for manipulation, although they do share certain characteristics. Generally speaking, pointers to functions are used to access functions and to pass functions as arguments to other functions; performing arithmetic on pointers to functions is not allowed. Pointers to objects, on the other hand, are regularly incremented and decremented as you scan arrays or more complex data structures in memory.
Although pointers are numbers with most of... more 
A pointer to a function is best thought of as an address, usually in a code segment, where that function's executable code is stored; that is, the address to which control is transferred when that function is called.
A pointer to a function has a type called "pointer to function returning type," where type is the function’s return type. For example,  
A pointer of type "pointer to object of type" holds the address of (that is, points to) an object of type. Since pointers are objects, you can have a pointer pointing to a pointer (and so on). Other objects commonly pointed at include arrays, structures, unions, and classes. 
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