RAD Studio
Login support
In order to implement login support, you need to make sure your Web application module has the following components:
  • A user list service (an object of type TWebUserList), which contains the usernames, passwords and permissions for server users
  • A sessions service (TSessionsService), which stores information about users currently logged in to the server
  • An end user adapter (TEndUserSessionAdapter) which handles actions associated with logging in
When you first create your Web server application, you can add these components using the New WebSnap Application dialog box. Click the Components button on that dialog to display the New Web App Components dialog... more 
Of course, your Websnap application also needs a login page. Users enter their username and password for authentication, either while trying to access a restricted page or prior to such an attempt. The user can also specify which page they receive when authentication is completed. If the username and password match a user in the Web user list, the user acquires the appropriate access rights and is forwarded to the page specified on the login page. If the user isn't authenticated, the login page may be redisplayed (the default action) or some other action may occur.
Fortunately, WebSnap makes it... more 
Many Web server applications require login support. For example, a server application may require a user to login before granting access to some parts of a Web site. Pages may have a different appearance for different users; logins may be necessary to enable the Web server to send the right pages. Also, because servers have physical limitations on memory and processor cycles, server applications sometimes need the ability to limit the number of users at any given time.
With WebSnap, incorporating login support into your Web server application is fairly simple and straightforward. You can add login support, either by... more 
Once you have a working login page, you must require logins for those pages which need controlled access. The easiest way to have a page require logins is to design that requirement into the page. When you first create a Web page module, check the Login Required box in the Page section of the New WebSnap Page Module dialog box.
If you create a page without requiring logins, you can change your mind later. 
User access rights are an important part of any Web server application. You need to be able to control who can view and modify the information your server provides. For example, let's say you are building a server application to handle online retail sales. It makes sense to allow users to view items in your catalog, but you don't want them to be able to change your prices! Clearly, access rights are an important issue.
Fortunately, WebSnap offers you several ways to control access to pages and server content. In previous topics, you saw how you can control page access... more 
The sessions service, which is an object of type TSessionsService, keeps track of the users who are logged into your Web server application. The sessions service is responsible for assigning a different session for each user and for associating name/value pairs (such as a username) with a user.
Information contained in a sessions service is stored in the application's memory. Therefore, the Web server application must keep running between requests for the sessions service to work. Some server application types, such as CGI, terminate between requests.
Note: If you want your application to support logins, be sure to use a... more 
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