IntraWeb is a tool which simplifies Web server application development. You can use IntraWeb to build Web server applications exactly the same way you would build traditional GUI applications, using forms. You can write all of your business logic in the Delphi language; IntraWeb will automatically convert program elements to script or HTML when necessary.
You can use IntraWeb in any of the following modes:
- Standalone mode. IntraWeb uses its own application object type to handle program execution. The application isn't deployed on a commercial server; instead, IntraWeb's own Application Server is used for application deployment.
- Application Mode. The application object is provided by IntraWeb. The application is deployed on a commercial server.
- Page mode. The application object is provided by Web Broker or WebSnap. IntraWeb is used to develop pages. The application is deployed on a commercial server.
IntraWeb applications can be targeted to any of the following server types:
- Apache versions 1 and 2
- CGI (page mode only)
- Windows services
IntraWeb offers a wide range of browser compatibility. IntraWeb applications automatically detect the user's browser type and generate HTML and script most appropriate for that browser. IntraWeb supports Internet Explorer versions 4 through 6, Netscape 4 and 6, and Mozilla.
For more information, see: