RAD Studio
Delphi programming fundamentals
You can design any kind of 32-bit applicationfrom general—purpose utilities to sophisticated data access programs or distributed applications.
As you visually design the user interface for your application, the Form Designer generates the underlying Delphi code to support the application. As you select and modify the properties of components and forms, the results of those changes appear automatically in the source code, and vice versa. You can modify the source files directly with any text editor, including the built-in Code editor. The changes you make are immediately reflected in the visual environment.
You can create your own components using the... more 
All application development revolves around projects. When you create an application in Delphi you are creating a project. A project is a collection of files that make up an application. Some of these files are created at design time. Others are generated automatically when you compile the project source code.
You can view the contents of a project in a project management tool called the Project Manager. The Project Manager lists, in a hierarchical view, the unit names, the forms contained in the unit (if there is one), and shows the paths to the files in the project. Although... more 
The Code editor is a full-featured ASCII editor. If using the visual programming environment, a form is automatically displayed as part of a new project. You can start designing your application interface by placing objects on the form and modifying how they work in the Object Inspector. But other programming tasks, such as writing event handlers for objects, must be done by typing the code.
The contents of the form, all of its properties, its components, and their properties can be viewed and edited as text in the Code editor. You can adjust the generated code in the Code... more 
When you have finished designing your application interface on the form and writing additional code so it does what you want, you can compile the project from the IDE or from the command line.
All projects have as a target a single distributable executable file. You can view or test your application at various stages of development by compiling, building, or running it:
  • When you compile, only units that have changed since the last compile are recompiled.
  • When you build, all units in the project are compiled, regardless of whether they have changed since the last compile. This technique is... more 
With the integrated debugger, you can find and fix errors in your applications. The integrated debugger lets you control program execution, monitor variable values and items in data structures, and modify data values while debugging.
The integrated debugger can track down both runtime errors and logic errors. By running to specific program locations and viewing the variable values, the functions on the call stack, and the program output, you can monitor how your program behaves and find the areas where it is not behaving as designed.
You can also use exception handling to recognize, locate, and deal with errors. Exceptions... more 
Delphi includes add-on tools to help with application deployment. For example, InstallAware Express (not available in all editions) helps you to create an installation package for your application that includes all of the files needed for running a distributed application. TeamSource software (not available in all editions) is also available for tracking application updates.
Note: Not all editions have deployment capabilities.
Refer to Deploying Applications for specific information on deployment. 
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