RAD Studio
Declaring the Property

When you declare a property, you usually need to declare a private field to store the data for the property, then specify methods for reading and writing the property value. Often, you don't need to use a method to read the value, but can just point to the stored data instead. 

For the shape control, you will declare a field that holds the current shape, then declare a property that reads that field and writes to it through a method call. 

Add the following declarations to TSampleShape:

  TSampleShape = class(TGraphicControl)
    FShape: TSampleShapeType;  { field to hold property value }
    procedure SetShape(Value: TSampleShapeType);
    property Shape: TSampleShapeType read FShape write SetShape;


class PACKAGE TSampleShape : public TGraphicControl
    TSampleShapeType FShape;
    void __fastcall SetShape(TSampleShapeType Value);
    __property TSampleShapeType Shape = {read=FShape, write=SetShape, nodefault};

Now all that remains is to add the implementation of SetShape.

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