RAD Studio
Creating an Active Server Page
If you are using the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) environment to serve your Web pages, you can use Active Server Pages (ASP) to create dynamic Web-based client/server applications. Active Server Pages let you write a script that gets called every time the server loads the Web page. This script can, in turn, call on Automation objects to obtain information that it includes in a generated HTML page. For example, you can write a Delphi Automation server, such as one to create a bitmap or connect to a database, and use this control to access data that gets updated every... more 
An Active Server Object is an Automation object that has access to information about the entire ASP application and the HTTP messages it uses to communicate with browsers. It descends from TASPObject or TASPMTSObject (which is in turn a descendant of TAutoObject), and supports Automation protocols, exposing itself for other applications (or the script in the Active Server page) to use. You create an Active Server Object using the Active Server Object wizard.
Your Active Server Object project can be either an executable (exe) or library (dll), depending on your needs. However, you should be aware of the drawbacks of... more 
The ASP intrinsics are a set of COM objects supplied by ASP to the objects running in an Active Server Page. They let your Active Server Object access information that reflects the messages passing between your application and the Web browser, as well as a place to store information that is shared among Active Server Objects that belong to the same ASP application.
To make these objects easy to access, the base class for your Active Server Object surfaces them as properties. For a complete understanding of these objects, see the Microsoft documentation. However, the following topics provide a brief... more 
You can use Server.CreateObject in an ASP page to launch either an in-process or out-of-process server, depending on your requirements. However, launching in-process servers is more common.
Unlike most in-process servers, an Active Server Object in an in-process server does not run in the client's process space. Instead, it runs in the IIS process space. This means that the client does not need to download your application (as, for example, it does when you use ActiveX objects). In-process component DLLs are faster and more secure than out-of-process servers, so they are better suited for server-side use.
Because out-of-process servers are... more 
You can register the Active Server Page as an in-process or an out-of-process server. However, in-process servers are more common.
Note: When you want to remove the Active Server Page object from your system, you should first unregister it, removing its entries from the Windows registry.
Debugging any in-process server such as an Active Server Object is much like debugging a DLL. You choose a host application that loads the DLL, and debug as usual. 
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