RAD Studio
_strdec, mbsdec, _wcsdec

Header File 

mbstring.h, tchar.h 


Memory and String Manipulation Routines 


unsigned char *_mbsdec(const unsigned char *s, const unsigned char *p); 

inline char *_strdec(const char * s1, const char * s2) { return (char *)(s1,(s2-1)); 

// From tchar.h 

#define _tcsdec _strdec 

#define _tcsdec _wcsdec 


_mbsdec returns a pointer p indicating the character in string s back to 1 byte backward. If there are no more characters before string p (it is the same position as s), _mbsdec returns a null pointer. 

_strdec is the single-byte version of this function. 

_wcsdec is the wide-character version of this function. 

Return Value 

Returns a pointer back to 1 byte, or null pointer if there is no character before p.

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