RAD Studio

Header File 



Memory and String Manipulation Routines 


int _mbsnbcmp(const unsigned char *s1, const unsigned char s2, size_t maxlen); 


_mbsnbcmp makes an case-sensitive comparison of s1 and s2 for no more than maxlen bytes. It starts with the first byte in each string and continues with subsequent bytes until the corresponding bytes differ or until it has examined maxlen bytes. 

_mbsnbcmp is case sensitive. 

_mbsnbcmp is not affected by locale. 

_mbsnbcmp compares bytes based on the current multibyte code page. 

Return Value

  • _mbsnbcmp returns an integer value based on the result of comparing s1 (or part of it) to s2 (or part of it):
  • < 0 if s1 is less than s2
  • == 0 if s1 is the same as s2
  • > 0 if s1 is greater than s2

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