RAD Studio VCL Reference
WebAdapt Namespace Types
This is type WebAdapt.IActionFieldValue. 
This is type WebAdapt.IActionRequest. 
This is type WebAdapt.TAbstractWebRequestFile. 
TActionExecuteEvent is the type for event handlers on adapter action objects that are called when the action executes. 
TActionExecuteHandledEvent is the type for event handlers on adapter action objects that can handle the execution of the action. 
TActionGetEnabledEvent is the type for event handlers on adapter action objects that are called when the action executes. 
TActionGetParamsEvent is the type for event handlers that supply the parameters for an adapter action. 
TActionRequestFieldsEvent is the type for event handlers on adapter action objects that are called after the adapter performs some operation on its fields in response to an HTTP request. 
TActionRequestFieldsHandledEvent is the type for event handlers on adapter action objects that are called when the adapter performs some operation on its fields in response to an HTTP request. 
TAdapterActionExecuteEvent is the type for event handlers on adapter objects that are called after one of its actions executes. 
TAdapterActionExecuteHandledEvent is the type for event handlers on adapter objects that are called when one of its actions executes. 
TAdapterActionGetParamsEvent is the type for event handlers that supply the parameters needed to execute an adapter action. 
TAdapterActionsClass defines the metaclass for TAdapterActions
TAdapterFieldBooleanValueEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a boolean value is assigned to an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldFileEvent is the type for event handlers that perform some action on an uploaded file. 
TAdapterFieldFileListEvent is the type for event handlers that perform some action on a set of uploaded files. 
TAdapterFieldGetBooleanEvent is the type for event handlers that provide a boolean value associated with an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldGetMultiValueEvent is the type for event handlers that supply a set of values for an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldGetMultiValueStringEvent is the type for event handlers that supply a set of string values for an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldGetStringEvent is the type for event handlers that provide a string associated with an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldGetValueCountEvent is the type for event handlers that indicate the number of values associated with an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldGetValueEvent is the type for event handlers that provide the value associated with an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldHasValueEvent is the type for event handlers that indicate whether a value is assigned to an adapter field. 
This is type WebAdapt.TAdapterFieldsClass. 
TAdapterFieldStringEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a string value is assigned to an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldStringsEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a set of string values is assigned to an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldValidateValueEvent is the type for event handlers that validate a value for an adapter field. 
TAdapterFieldValueEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when an adapter field's value changes. 
This is type WebAdapt.TAdapterHiddenFieldOptions. 
TEndUserGetNameEvent is the type for event handlers that supply the name of the current end user. 
TEndUserGetUserIDEvent is the type for event handlers that supply the user ID of the current end user. 
TEndUserHandledEvent is the type for event handlers that can optionally handle a task for an end user adapter. 
TEndUserIsLoggedInEvent is the type for event handlers that indicate whether the current end user has logged in. 
TEndUserRightsEvent is the type for event handlers that check whether a user has rights to perform a specific operation. 
TEndUserUserIDEvent is the type for event handlers that log in a user given the user ID. 
TGetEOFEvent is the type for event handlers on adapters that indicate when to stop iterating over values. 
TGetRecordCountEvent is the type for event handlers that indicate how many values an adapter has. 
TGetRecordEvent is the type for event handlers on adapters that position the adapter on one of multiple values. 
TGetRecordIndexEvent is the type for event handlers that indicate which of multiple values an adapter is positioned on. 
This is type WebAdapt.THandledEvent. 
TImageFieldGetHREFEvent is the type for event handlers that supply an URL that can be used to access an image field associated with an adapter field.. 
TImageFieldGetImageEvent is the type for event handlers that supply a stream from which to read an image. 
TImageFieldGetParamsEvent is the type for event handlers that supply a set of parameters to identify the value of an image field. 
TIterateRecordsEvent is the type for event handlers that navigate the records of an adapter. 
TLoginUserIDEvent is the type for event handlers that respond after a user logs in. 
This is type WebAdapt.TObjectList. 
TValidateAdapterFieldEvent is the type for event handlers that validate the values supplied for adapter fields. 
TWebFormGetPageNameEvent is the type for event handlers that supply labels for the controls that navigate to Web pages. 
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