RAD Studio VCL Reference
Variants Namespace Classes
EVariantArrayCreateError is the exception class for failure to create or resize a variant array. 
EVariantArrayLockedError is the exception class for errors that occur because a variant array is locked or fixed. 
EVariantBadIndexError is the exception class for errors that occur because a variant array index is out of bounds. 
EVariantBadVarTypeError is the exception class for variant type errors. 
EVariantDispatchError is the exception class for failed dispatch attempts. 
EVariantInvalidArgError is the exception class for operations that fail due to invalid variant data. 
EVariantInvalidNullOpError is the exception class for invalid Null variant operations. 
EVariantInvalidOpError is the exception class for invalid variant operations. 
EVariantNotAnArrayError is the exception class inappropriate variant array operations. 
EVariantNotImplError is the exception class for unimplemented variant operations. 
EVariantOutOfMemoryError is the exception class for variant operations that cannot allocate necessary memory. 
EVariantOverflowError is the exception class for overflow in a variant operation. 
EVariantRangeCheckError is the exception class for out-of-range errors in a variant operation. 
EVariantTypeCastError is the exception class for variant type cast errors. 
EVariantUnexpectedError is the exception class for unexpected variant errors. 
TCustomVariantType is the base class for Delphi custom variant types. 
TInvokeableVariantType is the base class for custom System::Variant types that implement custom Variants with properties and methods. 
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