RAD Studio VCL Reference
VarUtils Namespace Variables
VarAdd is a function type variable that specifies the function making the addition operation between two variants. 
VarAnd is a function type variable that specifies the function making the bitwise and operation between two variants. 
VarBoolFromStr is used to specify the function that makes the conversion from a WideString to a boolean value. 
VarBstrFromBool is used to specify the function that makes the conversion from a boolean value to a WideString
VarBstrFromCy is used to specify the function that makes the conversion from a currency value to a WideString
VarBstrFromDate is used to specify the function that makes the conversion from a date value to a WideString
VarCmp is a variable used to specify the function that compares two variants. 
VarCyFromStr is used to specify the function that makes the conversion from a WideString to a currency value. 
VarDateFromStr is used to specify the function that makes the conversion from a WideString to a date value. 
VarDiv is a function type variable that specifies the function making the division operation between two variants. 
VarI4FromStr is used to specify the function that makes the conversion from a WideString to a four bytes integer value. 
VariantChangeTypeEx stores the function that converts a variant from one type to another, using locale-specific information. 
VarIDiv is a function type variable that specifies the function making the division operation between two variants, after converting the variants to integers. 
VarMod is a function type variable that specifies the function that calculates the remainder on division of two variants. 
VarMul is a function type variable that specifies the function making the multiplication operation between two variants. 
VarNeg is a function type variable that specifies the function that inverts the sign of a variant. 
VarNot is a function type variable that specifies the function that performs a not operation on a variant. 
VarOr is a function type variable that specifies the function doing the bitwise or operation between two variants. 
VarR4FromStr is used to specify the function that does the conversion from a WideString to a four bytes floating-point value. 
VarR8FromStr is used to specify the function that makes the conversion from a WideString to a eight bytes floating-point value. 
VarSub is a function type variable that specifies the function making the subtraction operation between two variants. 
VarXor is a function type variable that specifies the function making the bitwise xor (exclusive or) operation between two variants. 
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