RAD Studio VCL Reference
VarUtils Namespace Functions
Returns a pointer to the actual safe array data and locks the safe array. 
Allocates the actual data of the given safe array. 
Allocates a descriptor for the safe array. 
Checks whether the given parameter is a safe array operation error code. 
Copies a safe array to another. 
Copies the data from a safe array to another. 
Creates a safe array. 
Destroys a safe array. 
Destroys the actual data of the given safe array. 
Destroys the descriptor of the given safe array. 
Raises an event corresponding to the given safe array operation error code. 
Returns the number of dimension of the given safe array. 
Returns the element at the specified position in the given safe array. 
Returns the size in bytes of an element in the given safe array. 
Returns the lower bound for the given dimension of a safe array. 
Returns the upper bound for the given dimension of a safe array. 
Locks a safe array. 
Returns a pointer to the element at the specified position in the given safe array. 
Sets the element at the specified position in the given safe array. 
Changes the bound information for the last dimension of a safe array. 
Unlocks a safe array previously locked using the SafeArrayAccessData routine. 
Unlocks a safe array. 
Converts an Exception type argument to an HRESULT type. 
Converts a variant from one type to another. 
Clears a variant. 
Clears the destination variant and makes a copy of the source variant. 
Clears the destination variant and makes a copy of the source variant, including the case when the source is of varByRef type. 
Initializes a variant. 
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