RAD Studio VCL Reference
TypInfo Namespace Structs, Records, Enums
Structs, Records, Enums
Enumerates floating point number types in the TTypeData record. 
This is record TypInfo.TIntfFlag. 
This is record TypInfo.TManagedField. 
Enumerates floating point number types in the TTypeData record. 
Enumerates floating point number types in the TTypeData record. 
TParamFlag and TParamFlags indicates the attributes of a method parameter. 
This is record TypInfo.TPropData. 
TPropInfo is a record of component property type information. 
TTypeData is used internally to represent type information. 
Holds information for a data type as returned by TypeInfo. 
These types describe a type that is manipulated in the forms designer. 
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