RAD Studio VCL Reference
SysUtils Namespace Structs, Records, Enums
Structs, Records, Enums
Int64Rec declares a utility record to provide access to the bytes of an Int64 value. 
LongRec declares a utility record to provide access to the bytes of a LongWord value. 
This is record SysUtils.TCharSearch. 
TExceptionRecord holds information about an exception in an application. 
TFilenameCaseMatch indicates how close a match was found to a specified file name. 
TFloatFormat is an enumerated list of formatting codes for float functions. 
TFloatRec declares a utility record that provides access to the attributes of a floating point number. 
TFloatValue is an enumeration of two basic floating point types. 
TFormatSettings defines a thread-safe string formatting context. 
TLangRec declares a record used to describe a Windows locale. 
TLocaleOptions defines a choice of dependent and independent locale options. 
TMbcsByteType represents the use of a single byte in a string that uses a multi-byte character set (MBCS). 
This is record SysUtils.TNameType. 
TSearchRec defines file information searched for by FindFirst or FindNext
TSysLocale represents locale information. 
This is record SysUtils.TThreadInfo. 
TTimeStamp represents time and date values. 
WordRec declares a utility record to store high and low order bytes of a variable. 
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