RAD Studio VCL Reference
SqlExpr Namespace Classes
SPParamDesc describes a parameter to a stored procedure that is accessed using dbExpress. 
This is class SqlExpr.TConnectionData. 
TCustomSQLDataSet is the base class for all dbExpress dataset components. 
This is class SqlExpr.TFLDDesc. 
TSQLBlobStream lets applications read from or write to BLOB fields in a client dataset. 
TSQLConnection encapsulates a dbExpress connection to a database server. 
TSQLDataLink allows a unidirectional dataset act as the detail in a master/detail relationship. 
TSQLDataSet represents data retrieved using dbExpress. 
TSQLMonitor intercepts messages that pass between an SQL connection component and a database server and saves them in a string list. 
TSQLQuery represents a query that is executed using dbExpress. 
TDataSet used to call DataSnap server methods. 
TSQLStoredProc represents a stored procedure that is executed using dbExpress. 
TSQLTable represents a database table that is accessed using dbExpress. 
This is class SqlExpr.TTransactionItem. 
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