RAD Studio VCL Reference
IBSQL Namespace Classes
TIBBatch is the abstract base class for the TIBBatchInput and TIBBatchOutput objects. 
TIBBatchInput is the abstract class for performing all batch input. 
TIBBatchOutput is the abstract class for performing all batch output. 
TIBInputDelimitedFile performs batch input of data from delimited files. 
TIBInputRawFile inputs data from a raw file. 
TIBOutputDelimitedFile performs batch output of data to delimited files. 
TIBOutputRawFile outputs data to a raw file format. 
TIBSQL provides an object for executing an InterBase SQL statement with minimal overhead. 
TIBXSQLDA provides properties and methods for use with the IBSQL component. 
TIBXSQLVAR provides properties and methods for use with the IBSQL component. 
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