RAD Studio VCL Reference
Graphics Namespace Functions
Creates a TBitmap filled with a pattern. 
This is function Graphics.BytesPerScanline. 
Obtains the name of a character set. 
Provides the symbolic name of a TColor value. 
Converts a TColor value into an RGB representation of the color. 
Returns a string that represents the name of a TColor value. 
Creates a new palette object that matches an existing palette. 
Remaps the standard gray colors in a bitmap with the system grays. 
Remaps the standard gray colors in a bitmap resource with the system grays. 
Changes the color table in a bitmap. 
Changes the color table in a bitmap resource. 
This is function Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts. 
Passes the name of every predefined character set string to a callback function. 
Passes the name of every predefined color constant to a callback function. 
Returns the character set of the default system font. 
Returns the info header and image for a device independent bitmap. 
Returns the size of the info header and of the image for a device independent bitmap. 
Returns the default file-name extension of a graphics object. 
Returns a file mask that specifies the valid extensions for a graphic class. 
Returns a file filter compatible with the Filter property of an Open or Save dialog. 
Translates the name of a character set constant to the corresponding character set. 
Translates the name of a color constant to the corresponding TColor value. 
This is function Graphics.PaletteChanged. 
Translates a string representation of a color to the corresponding TColor value. 
This is function Graphics.TransparentStretchBlt. 
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