RAD Studio VCL Reference
ExtCtrls Namespace Types
This is type ExtCtrls.NaturalNumber. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TBandDragEvent. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TBandInfoEvent. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TBandMoveEvent. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TBandPaintEvent. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TBandPaintOptions. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TBeginBandMoveEvent. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TCanResizeEvent. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TCategoryPanelClass. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TCategoryPanelSurfaceClass. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TCellSpan. 
TColorBoxStyle and TColorBoxStyles specify how a color box control displays its selections. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TEditButtonClass. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TEndBandMoveEvent. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TGetColorsEvent. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TLBGetColorsEvent. 
TPanelBevel specifies a bevel's cut. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TRowSize. 
TSectionEvent is the type of event handlers that respond when a section of a THeader control is resized. 
This is type ExtCtrls.TSplitterCanResizeEvent. 
Event routine for click on TCustomLinkLabel HTML link. 
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