RAD Studio VCL Reference
ExtCtrls Namespace Structs, Records, Enums
Structs, Records, Enums
A type specified when showing a balloon hint that puts one of the default icons on the balloon message. 
This is record ExtCtrls.TBandDrawingStyle. 
TBandPaintOption and TBandPaintOptions specify which parts of a band are painted. 
TBevelShape determines the overall shape of a bevel control. 
TBevelStyle indicates whether a bevel appears raised or lowered. 
TColorBoxStyles and TColorBoxStyle specify how a color box control displays its selections. 
The size of the cornering for the edge of the bands in a TControlBar
Specifies how a grid panel expands. 
This is record ExtCtrls.TFlowStyle. 
TLabelPosition specifies the position of the label in a labeled edit control. 
This is record ExtCtrls.TResizeStyle. 
TShapeType determines the shape of a TShape control. 
This is record ExtCtrls.TSizeStyle. 
TSysLinkType describes an HTML link type. 
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