RAD Studio VCL Reference
DB Namespace Structs, Records, Enums
Structs, Records, Enums
TAutoRefreshFlag Indicates whether the server provides field values, and if so, why. 
TBlobStreamMode indicates how a BLOB stream can be used. 
This is record DB.TBookmarkFlag. 
TDataAction indicates how an application should respond to a database error condition. 
TDataEvent identifies an event that occurs to a dataset. 
TDataSetState indicates the current operating mode of a dataset component. 
This is record DB.TDateTimeRec. 
This is record DB.TDBScreenCursor. 
TFieldAttribute and TFieldAttributes indicate various attributes of a field. 
TFieldKind indicates what type of information a field component represents. 
TFieldType is a set of values that parallel the data types of fields in tables. 
TFilterOption and TFilterOptions influence how filter strings are applied. 
This is record DB.TGetMode. 
This is record DB.TGetResult. 
TGroupPosInd and TGroupPosInds indicate the position of the current record within its group. 
This is record DB.TIndexOption. 
This is record DB.TLocateOption. 
This is record DB.TLookupListEntry. 
This is record DB.TPacketAttribute. 
TParamType and TParamTypes represent the use of parameters on datasets that represent queries or stored procedures. 
TProviderFlag and TProviderFlags indicate how a provider uses a field value when applying updates. 
This is record DB.TPSCommandType. 
TUpdateAction Indicates how an a dataset should proceed after an event handler has processed an update. 
TUpdateKind defines the values for the UpdateKind parameter of OnUpdateError and OnUpdateRecord event handlers. 
TUpdateMode indicates how to locate records so that they can be updated. 
TUpdateStatus indicates the update status of a record. 
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