RAD Studio VCL Reference
DBTables Namespace Functions
Converts a string from the ANSI character set to the character set associated with a given locale. 
Converts a string from the ANSI character set to the character set associated with a given locale. 
Determines whether a value returned from the Borland Database Engine (BDE) represents an error condition. 
Creates and raises an EDBEngineError exception for an error code returned by the Borland Database Engine (BDE). 
This is function DBTables.GetFieldSource. 
Compares strings based on a database locale case sensitively. 
Compares null-terminated strings based on a database locale case sensitively. 
Compares strings based on a database locale without case sensitivity. 
Compares null-terminated strings based on a database locale and is not case sensitive. 
Converts a string from the character set of the given locale to the ANSI character set. 
Converts a string from the character set of a specified locale into the ANSI character set. 
This is function DBTables.RegisterBDEInitProc. 
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