RAD Studio VCL Reference
ComCtrls Namespace Structs, Records, Enums
Structs, Records, Enums
This is record ComCtrls.TAddMode. 
This is record ComCtrls.TAnimateParams. 
This is record ComCtrls.TAttributeType. 
TAutoCompleteOption and TAutoCompleteOptions specify a set of autocomplete options. 
TCalDayOfWeek represents a day of the week. 
TComboBoxExStyle is the type for the Style property of extended combo box controls. 
TComboBoxExStyleEx and TComboBoxExStyles configure the behavior of extended combo box controls. 
This is record ComCtrls.TCommonAVI. 
This is record ComCtrls.TConsistentAttribute. 
This is record ComCtrls.TConversionFormat. 
TCoolBandMaximize specifies the conditions under which a TCoolBand is maximized. 
TCustomDrawStage specifies a stage in the custom drawing process. 
TCustomDrawTarget specifies the target of a custom drawing event. 
This is record ComCtrls.TDateTimeKind. 
This is record ComCtrls.TDisplayCode. 
This is record ComCtrls.TDTCalAlignment. 
This is record ComCtrls.TDTDateFormat. 
This is record ComCtrls.TDTDateMode. 
This is record ComCtrls.THeaderSectionStyle. 
THeaderStyle specifies the style of a header control. 
THitTest and THitTests are used in the GetHitTestInfoAt method. 
This is record ComCtrls.THKInvalidKey. 
This is record ComCtrls.THKModifier. 
TIconArrangement indicates how the icons for items are arranged. 
TItemChange describes the type of change a list item undergoes. 
TItemFind identifies the type of search in an OnDataFind event handler. 
This is record ComCtrls.TItemRequests. 
TItemState and TItemStates specify the state of an item in a list view control. 
This is record ComCtrls.TListArrangement. 
TListGroupState describes list group's current state. 
TListHotTrackStyle and TListHotTrackStyles specify hot tracking styles for a list view control. 
This is record ComCtrls.TMultiSelectStyles. 
TNodeAttachMode identifies a new or changed tree node relationship. 
TNodeCache is the type for a cached tree-view node. 
This is record ComCtrls.TNodeDataInfo. 
This is record ComCtrls.TNodeDataInfo2. 
This is record ComCtrls.TNodeDataType. 
This is record ComCtrls.TNodeInfo. 
This is record ComCtrls.TNodeState. 
This is record ComCtrls.TNumberingStyle. 
TPageScrollerButton identifies a button on a page scroller. 
TPageScrollerButtonState indicates the state of a page scroller button. 
TPageScrollerOrientation indicates the orientation of a page scroller control. 
Specifies the position of the tool tip. 
TProgressBarOrientation specifies the orientation of a progress bar. 
Used to set the State property in and out of an error or paused state. 
Use the TProgressBarStyle enumeration to set the Style property in and out of marquee style. 
This is record ComCtrls.TRichEditStreamInfo. 
Indicates the direction in which to search for the nearest item to a specified item or point. 
Specifies search options. 
This is record ComCtrls.TSectionTrackState. 
TSortType indicates the criteria to use when sorting items. 
TStatusPanelBevel indicates the type of bevel around a panel in a status bar. 
TStatusPanelStyle indicates the kind of contents in a status bar panel. 
This is record ComCtrls.TTabPosition. 
TTabStyle indicates whether a TTabSet control is owner-drawn. 
Specifies the drawing style for the tool bar. 
TTickMark indicates the location of the tick marks on a track bar. 
TTickStyle indicates how a track bar determines the increments at which tick marks appear. 
This is record ComCtrls.TToolButtonState. 
TToolButtonStyle indicates the type of control a TToolButton object represents. 
TTrackBarOrientation indicates whether a trackbar is horizontal or vertical. 
This is record ComCtrls.TTVItemStateEx. 
This is record ComCtrls.TUDAlignButton. 
This is record ComCtrls.TUDBtnType. 
This is record ComCtrls.TUDOrientation. 
TUpDownDirection indicates the direction in which the position of an updown control changes. 
TViewStyle indicates how a list view control displays its items. 
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