RAD Studio VCL Reference
ActnMenus Namespace Classes
TActionBarStyleEx is the implementation class for styles in Action Manager. 
TActionMainMenuBar is a rendering engine that renders action client items as menu items. 
TCustomActionMainMenuBar is the ancestor for the TActionMainMenuBar component. 
TCustomActionMenuBar is the ancestor for action bands that render actions as menu item UI elements. 
TCustomActionPopupMenu is the ancestor for popup action bands that render actions as popup menu item UI elements. 
TCustomAddRemoveItem is the base class for the ActionBand menus for customizing action bands. 
This is class ActnMenus.TCustomizeActionClientItem. 
This is class ActnMenus.TCustomizeActionLink. 
This is class ActnMenus.TCustomizeActionToolBar. 
This is class ActnMenus.TCustomMDIMenuButton. 
TCustomMenuButton is the base class for ActionBand button controls. 
This is class ActnMenus.TCustomMenuExpandBtn. 
TCustomMenuItem is the base class for the ActionBand custom control TStandardMenuItem. 
This is class ActnMenus.TMenuStack. 
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