RAD Studio VCL Reference
ActnMan Namespace Classes
TActionBarItem objects are used by the action manager to represent all of the action bars connected to the action manager in an application. 
TActionBars is a collection of TActionBarItem objects used internally by the action manager to represent all of the action bars connected to the action manager in an application. 
TActionBarStyle is the base class for styles in ActionManager. 
This is class ActnMan.TActionBarStyleList. 
TActionClient is the ancestor for TActionBartItem and TActionClientItem classes. 
TActionClientItem is a streamable wrapper that represents an action or category of actions in the action manager. 
This is class ActnMan.TActionClientLink. 
TActionClients is a container for TActionClient objects. 
TActionClientsCollection is a collection of action clients that maintains information about the action manager that owns the collection. 
TActionDragBaseClass is a base class used for managing drag operations. 
This is class ActnMan.TActionDragObject. 
This is class ActnMan.TActionItemDragObject. 
TActionListCollection is a collection that maintains information about action lists and their captions. 
TActionListItem represents an item in a action list collection. 
TActionManager provides a mechanism to manage and display all actions contained in an application. 
TButtonProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csButton
This is class ActnMan.TCategoryDragObject. 
TCheckBoxProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csCheckBox
TComboBoxProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csComboBox
TCommandProperties is a base for all classes used to control the properties of action client items. 
TControlProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csControl
TCustomActionBar is the base class for all action bands. 
TCustomActionBarColorMap is the base class for the action band colormaps that controls the color of the action band and the items that appear on it. 
This is class ActnMan.TCustomActionClass. 
TCustomActionControl is the base class for ActionBand custom controls. 
TCustomActionManager is the base class for the TActionManager component. 
TGalleryProperties contains properties applicable to the action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csGallery
TMenuProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csMenu
TTextProperties contains properties applicable to action client items that have the CommandStyle property set to csText
This is class ActnMan.TXToolDockForm. 
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